This is the equipment list I’ve put together for my new project/hobby:
Celestron CGEM mount with 17lb and 11lb counterweight. Celestron SE8 OTA (and mount). Celestron CN16 GPS. Celestron PowerTank (6ah). Celestron Polar Finder Scope. Celestron Reducer/Corrector f/6.3. Meade f/3.3 CCD Focal Reducer/Field Flattener Series 4000. ADM: CGEM dual saddle. Vixen series side-by-side with D-series dovetail. 125MM rings and Vixen style dovetail. 2 X Duracell Powerpack 600. Orion ShortTube 80 and Orion StarShoot Autoguider camera. Orion 80mm ED Apochromatic Refractor. Meade Deep Sky Imager II CCD camera. Orion StarShoot Pro V2 CCD camera. My wife’s Nikon D60 dSLR. Shoestring Astronomy DSUSB-IR1. Astrozap dual-channel dew controller, heated 8″ dew shield, two 4″ dew straps. Pelican 1600 model case. Spike-A 8″ Bahtinov focusing mask. Orion 20mm illuminated centering eyepiece. Baader Planetarium 8-24mm Hyperion Clickstop Zoom Eyepiece.The software I’m using will be:
Software Bisque TheSkyX Serious Astronomer Edition.Stark Labs Nebulosity 2.
Stark Labs PHD Guiding.
Maxim DL 5.
MLUnsold ImagesPlus.
AstroPlanner V2.