Some test images.

Had unending rain for a while and then clouds, so haven’t actually gotten the cameras into the field yet.

The focuser on the Orion 80mm just wasn’t up to snuff so I replaced it with the William Optic Synta focuser. What a difference. Amazing. Highly recommended:


I also removed the small mounting pad that came on the Orion and added a dovetail bar instead:


I wanted to test both cameras through the Orion 80mm, so that’s what I did.

Aimed at a neighbors garage door about 250′ away, and with the Meade DSI II, with 60 exposures I believe:

Full image:


Not sure why it’s so red, but no matter, I was only concerned with getting focus and testing Envisage 7.05.

Here’s a shot thru the 80mm from the Orion SS Pro V2, at the same door, using Images Plus. One exposure at .1 seconds:

Full image:

Image_Light_ 0.10Sec__7_RGB-out

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